Hi, well where do I start?
I left school at 15 without any exam passes whatsoever.
I had two older sisters who were in the process of getting married.
My parents were in the process of splitting for the past two years and it had affected me considerably.
I was put into the army at 15 and at that time my mother left my father (I wondered why I was put into the army)
I spent six years in the army which sorted my mind out and I also passed every exam that I took with high grades in maths, English, physics and map reading.
When I left the army I met a beautiful lady named Sandra and we married 6 years later and are still together today (Our 35th Anniversary was on July 22nd)
We had a lovely baby girl named Faye. 33 years old now (2007)
I worked mainly in the construction business and also drove trucks at the slack times.
Apart from a wonderful married life, I had a reasonably ordinary life up until 1990.
When I saw the plight of the Romanian orphans on TV, I then decided that I wanted to help, so I joined a local charity and went out there in early 1991.
I went to an orphanage that had 540 children there all under the age of three. I actually cried myself to sleep the first night and when I think of it, I can still shed tears for those poor children even now.
I was not too happy about the way that the charity was run although they must have credit for their help.
On my return to the UK, I decided to register my own charity as there were so many places out there that needed help, you can see the results at www.sroauk.org.uk
The charity is winding down now as the needs that we were supplying were taken over as Romania joined Europe.
But we have many many friends out there that never forget.
I love the country and the people.
Then about 6 years ago on returning from one of my trips to Romania, my Daughter asked me if I would help her to purchase a restaurant, which I did, but sadly, my daughter had miscarriages (15 now in total) and became very depressed and had to leave the restaurant, thankfully we sold the restaurant last year 2006, it was a hell of an experience and I would NOT advise anyone to go there unless they were an excellent chef and had plenty of family that could help.
Since then I have been building my portfolio of properties for my company, please checkout my website at:
and you will see what I have on offer.
Well I think that I have bored you enough, so I will wait to read yours.
I thank you for your time in reading this and send my very best regards to you all.
From Anthony (Tony).