
Who is Ken And Kami Snoeberger?

Ken And Kami Snoeberger

Ken And Kami Snoeberger
BirthdaySunday, September 8, 1968
Member SinceFriday, March 21, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, April 6, 2008
LocationRio Rancho, New Mexico, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
We would like to share a little about ourselves with you. You will be working with us closely if we venture into our business together. We are just an ordinary family of four. We are not rich millionaires yet. We do anticipate that we will be though. We do not have much education behind us. We do have a strong desire to make something of our lives. We are very tired of working until we drop! We have many years of experience in working for someone else. Many years of working to make other people Big Money, while we do not make much. We must mention all of the time that all of this working has taken away from our lives. It has taken away from our family and time with each other. We want to live our lives. We want to travel and go places, we want to make enough money to not have to worry and struggle from month to month. Time is slipping away. Life is short and the days keep drifting by. We decided to open our own business. We went several different routes. We changed our minds a few times. We finally had a place in mind. It was an Automotive Repair Shop. Automotive has been my husbands profession for most of his life. We started thinking. He was really tired of that profession. It is not an easy one. He really did not want to do that any longer. It is also a very hard and expensive business to run. Just think of the overhead, bills, insurance needed, lease payment, and on and on. Do you think that we would really have more time for our family, and more time to live and enjoy life? No, we would be living at the shop. We started looking at home based businesses. We studied and studied and searched and searched. We found lots of scams. We found lots of money takers. We found lots of businesses that were just not true or honest. When we came upon the business that we are doing, we still studied and searched. We found exactly what we were looking for. The time with our family, the time we needed in life, the travel, and it was not even a lot of business expense. It is an expense that is totally worth it. It is an expense that is totally needed in our lives and in the lives of other people who desire more time for life and have the financial freedom they deserve. This is needed in the lives of people who have not been able to have the financial success they expect. It totally solves many problems of the unachieved. Not just for us, but also for others. We found what we were looking for! This is an opportunity that could also be just what you have been looking for. Study our website, listen to the videos, listen to the presentations, join the live calls, and do your studying. You to, will see what an Amazing Opportunity this is. We would like for you to know that if you are truly motivated and serious, you can contact us at any time. We are here to answer any of your questions. We are available to assist you towards your next step in this financial endeavor. We would be delighted to have you join our team. We have a great team that helps and supports each other each and every day. Call us or email us at any time. We are on your side and we are here for you and your needs. Thank you, Ken and Kami
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Cheryl Maples - (9/8/2011 5:28:07 AM) : Happy Birthday, Ken! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (9/8/2010 5:10:15 AM) : Happy Birthday, Ken! Have a great day! Cheryl


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