About Me
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About Me
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Ray Delworth here...
You know, I can't help but notice how ALL the successful people have such similar qualities that they employ on a daily basis. It is your Mindset. But that word really doesn't describe it very well. You see, mindset means SO MANY different things. It means what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what you identify with, what you take personal, what you judge, what you like, dislike...It basically means Who YOU Are. Compile everything that makes you who you are and that is what I'm calling Mindset. So what is it about this group of ultra successful people that enables them to Create wealth in their lives? (and a lot of it)
It's HOW they think, feel, believe, and live their life that
puts them in situations to create wealth, and motivates them
to take the PROPER action to create wealth.
It is their expectations and desires.
Wealth comes down to two things...
1. Knowledge of how to create it.
2. Acting upon that knowledge in a direct and concise manner.
I would like to offer whatever assistance you might need to help you with these two steps. If I cannot help you with your goals or questions (roadblocks to success), then I'll get someone on the team who can. In order to best help you succeed and learn from the pros about Network or Internet Marketing then I would like a little information about you. Let me know your business background, your current efforts, the "why" behind why you signed up for free mentoring, and your goals for the remainder of this year. Please send this to info@WiiLoveWebkinzFun.biz
If you would like to see my credentials then please visit the sites below to see the system I've used to bring from $34/month income (after spending 9 years of floundering at my internet business) to $317/month currently. I finally got the ingredients right in September, 2008 and my income has climbed ever since.
http://www.WiiLoveWebkinzFun.com - Wii, Webkinz, Personalized Children's Books +
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: E-Business, Investing, Ancestry, Family, Friends, Kids, Religion, Learning, Math, Psychology, Self-Development, Teaching, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Reading, Collecting, Writing, Photography, Blogs, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, Video Games, Biking, Golf, Hiking, Dogs, Horses, Swimming, Football, Bowling, Tennis, Baseball
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, Networking, Bizopp, Teaching, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Writing, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Internet, Wireless, Software, Video Games, Football, Bowling, Tennis