
Who is Lw Huffman?

Lw Huffman

Lw Huffman
BirthdayMonday, April 2, 1945
Member SinceThursday, April 8, 2010
Last ActivityTuesday, February 7, 2017
LocationMuscle Shoals, Alabama, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am a retired power plant manger with a passion for helping people. I'm a proud grand farther of seven grandchildrens. I have served in the voluntary fire service fo 42 years and still serve today, i consider it an honor to help others in their time of need. I'm always avaiable to mentor amd teach others.
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Cheryl Maples - (4/2/2011 7:12:31 AM) : Happy Birthday, Lw! Enjoy your special day! Let me know when you come back. Cheryl
Darryl Smith - (12/17/2010 5:47:12 PM) : Hi LW, Wishing you and your family a great Christmas and a very happy New Year. Darryl
Cheryl Maples - (4/17/2010 6:26:24 AM) : Hi Lw, thank you for being my friend. Cheryl
Richard Gabriel - (4/10/2010 2:32:36 AM) : Hi Lw - Thanks for accepting my invititation to be friends. I wish you all the Best! - Rich
Cheryl Maples - (4/8/2010 11:31:39 PM) : Hello Lw, Welcome to our community of friends. It's nice to meet you here. May this be your best year yet. Follow your dreams! Cheryl


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