
Who is Becky Cheng?

Becky Cheng

Becky Cheng
Member SinceSaturday, November 26, 2011
Last ActivityThursday, March 1, 2012
LocationToronto, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

My passion for the wholeness in my health practices led me on the trail of home businessess for many years.I found one that I could believe in after so many years,powerfu,leading edge products that of my own very stringent standards of quality,nutritional effectivenss,value for money. I have many stories to tell of this product, which cost very little, in fact, it can save you money. Let me tell you a little story about my once cynical brother who at last started on this product to lose weight. Instead, his fibromyalgia disappered. All his pain is gone, has more energy. He is now able to conitnue working 12 hours daily running his restaurant business with ease. I actually found him smiling,my sister-in-law told me he's actually telling his customers about this wondeful product! Free sample: Join:

My Interests
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Jayesh Prajapati - (9/17/2012 12:53:48 PM) : JOINING AMOUNT $29.95 PER MONTH EARNING $2025 PER MONTH WITH ONLY 155 MEMBER IN YOUR DOWNLINE
Mark Mclaurin - (5/30/2012 2:20:05 PM) : Here's the information you just requested on earning more income... Did you know you have a better chance of being hit by falling airplane debris than winning the lottery? In fact, 80% of millionaires come from hard-working, middle-class families who start their own businesses and make their dreams happen. What about you? ... If you continue doing the next 3 years what you've done the last 3 ye
Ingo Heider - (1/4/2012 7:55:58 AM) : Hello my name is Ingo fom Swizerland look this hear
Michael... Clayton - (1/4/2012 5:06:08 AM) : Hi Becky be nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
William Turknett - (12/14/2011 10:33:34 PM) : HOT SEXY womans ware
La Nell ! - (12/9/2011 2:56:12 AM) : Hi Becky, Nice to meet you. LaNell
Cheryl Maples - (12/8/2011 2:08:35 AM) : Hi Becky, Thanks for accepting my invitation to be friends. Hope it's going well for you, Cheryl
Becky Cheng - (12/4/2011 2:16:22 PM) : Thank you, Cheryl for the welcome. Look forward to communicating more.. Have a fantastic day!
Cheryl Maples - (11/27/2011 3:43:36 AM) : Hello Becky, It's a pleasure to welcome you to our friendly community. Much success to you, Cheryl
