
Who is Vincent Galella?

Vincent Galella

Vincent Galella
BirthdayWednesday, September 8, 1948
Member SinceFriday, March 31, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, July 16, 2009
LocationFort Myers, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I have moved from NY to Florida. I have a son named Chris who is my best buddy. We have much fun doing things together. I enjoy laughing and making friends, cooking, computers, sports, music, dancing, long walks on the beach, coin collecting and of coarse my family and friends. To me there is nothing like having people over and cooking up a great meal for them. We eat, have some wine,have a few chuckles and just have a great time. My new business is with Primerica. I am here to help families get out of debt and save money for their families. Contact me if you would like to work part time for some extra money.
My Interests
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Phillip Black - (11/2/2007 7:18:26 PM) : Hello Vincent,

I can't believe I hadn't rated you yet. Must have been a Senior Moment. Vince is a Great Guy, with a Fantastic Forum and just an all-around Great Friend to have. Your Posts have made me laugh, made me cry and have always made think. I'm proud to be able to call you my Friend.

Phil Black
Lorraine Smith - (7/20/2007 5:00:28 PM) : Hi Vincent,
I didn't know you from your previous time at Adland, but I thoroughly enjoy your forums and am glad you invited me to be your friend.

Joelees Wholesale - (7/6/2007 1:46:12 PM) : Hi Vincent,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Vincent Galella - (7/6/2007 1:46:12 PM) : Thank you very much,it is great to have friends like you.
Angela Cardwell - (1/21/2007 11:18:01 AM) : Hi Vince,
Just wanted to leave some feedback for other members that happen along. Vince may seem new to Adland. But has actually been around a while. (Account was deleted by accident a couple times)
Anyway, Vince is an outstanding guy that is all about fun and honesty. Don't miss his forums, there are great funny stories and a music trivia forum that is fun to participate in.
Live, love, Laugh!
Your friend,
Vincent Galella - (1/21/2007 11:18:01 AM) : Thank you Angela for those kind words. You are a very considerate and someone who I am glad to call a friend. Just ask and I will try to help you.


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