
Who is John Fox?

John Fox

John Fox
Member SinceWednesday, March 12, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, April 11, 2010
LocationArkport, New York, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I am a divorced father of 3 young men. I came to the Internet because I was in hopes of finding a simple way to build a very good income, so far it has been a nightmare. I have just recently returned to the Internet after leaving in total frustration, I already have found a couple of losers and YES Lawn Chair Millionaire is the latest loser - stay far away from them unless you have a lot of money to throw away. They are LOADED with hidden EXTRA costs.

Yes I don't like signing up to programs that promote one thing and then do something totally different. I like this programs idea of "friends helping friends" NOW I am watching to see how many of you who are actually friendly people caring about others or to see if you just signed up to promote YOUR program to other people like they are cattle.

How is this -about me?

must say I am a bit frustrated with the BS on the Internet already and I have only been back since 3/08.

4/2010 - Frustration has lead to a total loss of interest with finding any REAL thing that can help this simple person build a HEALTHY income from the internet!
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Cheryl Maples - (4/3/2011 7:20:58 AM) : Happy Birthday, John! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Francisco Dejesus Rivera - (4/11/2010 2:07:15 AM) : How would like to get your celular phone service for free. Well it is possible because Wow Mobile is here. If you like to read more about this revolution visit: And if you are interested please get in touch with me for further details. A mis compatriotas de Puerto Rico. Sabemos que las cosas no estan muy buena economicamente y por esa misma razon estoy trabajand
Cheryl Maples - (4/3/2010 4:21:03 AM) : Happy Birthday, John! Have a great day! Cheryl
Joelees Wholesale - (4/5/2008 1:47:00 PM) : Hi John,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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