
Who is Shirley Schwarz?

Shirley Schwarz

Shirley Schwarz
Member SinceTuesday, September 16, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, February 8, 2009
LocationSpearfish, South Dakota, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I live in the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota, land of infinite variety. I cannot think of a more wonderful place to live. I am married, have 5 children, 13 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren living in different areas the United States. I have been in the tourism and motel business for many years, and now have found a way to enhance my life. Team Beachbody™! makes it fun, rewarding, and simple to change your body and change your life. From weight loss to fitness to overall health, it’s easier than you think to dropkick old habits and make way for the finer things in life. You can chat and/or workout with your favorite experts. The community spirit makes it all so much fun and rewarding.
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