
Who is Barbara Hofmeister?

Barbara Hofmeister

Barbara Hofmeister
Member SinceFriday, September 29, 2006
Last ActivitySaturday, November 29, 2008
LocationBangkok, Bangkok, Thailand Thailand
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About Me
About Me
I was born in Germany but have lived outside since I was 19. My life's plan and consequently my very versatile occupations took me to 18 countries to work and many more to travel for pleasure and study. From running a diving center in the Dominican Republic to a German sausage factory in Russia I held many responsible positions and loved them (almost) all. Since a fairly young age human potential and the working of the human mind have interested me and I made that my main study over the years. This and my diferent careers made me move countries continuously until I decided to settle in Southern Spain. Apart from personally running my TrainingVisions Personal Development Coaching Program I am also very active with Toastmasters ( and organize local Youth Leadership Programs.
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Joelees Wholesale - (8/7/2007 1:47:21 PM) : Hi Barbara,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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