
Who is Tracy Chilton?

Tracy Chilton

Tracy Chilton
Member SinceMonday, July 17, 2006
Last ActivitySaturday, September 2, 2006
LocationGrandview, Missouri, United States United States
About Me
About Me
How to Get out of the Rat Race
Making Money for YOU!

My name is Tracy, and I like money. I like it very much. I like to make it, and I like to share it. I like to give it away, and I like to see people's faces when I do.

There is nothing more gratifying than to see someone truly happy because you were able to help them in some way.  I recently read an article in a magazine about a guy who found his niche, educated himself, and became a millionaire. In achieving this however, he turned around and helped out others in his community achieve the same results. I love it! I love the guy! He was motivated, knew there was something better out there, and went for it! Once he got it--he SHARED!! He taught others like him to do the same thing! How awesome!

I want to do the same thing. I am still learning, and I haven't reached that million dollar mark yet--but I will get there! Who wants to join me??

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Tracy Chilton - (8/25/2006 1:58:33 PM) : Thank you so very much. I do love being able to spend time with all my boys in karate as well as their other interests--from football (don't participate, just encourage) to online RPG games--like runescape. Our goals are to all become black belts.

I look forward to building a good friendship, and hopefully we can both benefit with our businesses as well.



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