
Who is Thomas Mhuriro?

Thomas Mhuriro

Thomas Mhuriro
BirthdayFriday, February 2, 1968
Member SinceSaturday, October 10, 2009
Last ActivityMonday, May 23, 2011
LocationKimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa South Africa
About Me
About Me

Hello Every one. I am a religious person who is passionate about the oneness of humanity. Would like to meet like minded people to engage the world in a serious discussion/debates on what benefits we are losing in our divided global village I am currently developing ideas to share with all the world at

Please may you help me spread the word! Pass on this message and you could be the key person to transform humanity for the better. Come on, be part of a caring world

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Sara Gardner Blow - (6/27/2010 12:49:25 PM) : Hello Thomas, it is good to meet someone else who cares about a world of unity. You will find many others here who feel the same.
Thomas Mhuriro - (10/17/2009 6:46:56 PM) : Yes, this community is full of friendly people. I like it. I like the idea of human beings from all over the world coming together in the name of friendship. Let us keep this flame burning. Who knows, this could be our ultimate opportunity to tell the world the benefits of being a one united family. We do not fight, nor do we engage in anything that compromise our humanity. FRIENDSHIP = UNITY
Thomas Mhuriro - (10/17/2009 6:31:54 PM) : Hello and welcome. Just to let you know that I value all the suggestions/comments that have been forwarded to me so far. Keep up the good work. Together we are bound to pass on to the next generation the good that our humanity entails. Please join the discussions on my website
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (10/12/2009 6:44:05 PM) : Welcome to Our Community, AdlandPro Thomas
Thomas Mhuriro - (10/10/2009 3:19:39 PM) : Well. get more of my ideas at Lets move on to the next level of engagement. Be part of a caring world
