
Who is Courtenay Oconnell?

Courtenay Oconnell

Courtenay Oconnell
Member SinceThursday, April 24, 2014
Last ActivitySunday, December 31, 2017
LocationAlbuquerque, New Mexico, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I am a free lance writer and journalist.
I have a MPA in Public Administration (focus in Gerentology): University of New Mexico.
I currently live in Albuquerque with my wife, 2 sons, and 3 cats.
You can view some of my awesome internet marketing and advertising strategies on my blog at:
Thank you for stopping by!
Courtenay Patrick OConnell
My Interests
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Rosuel Pazon - (8/8/2014 3:12:35 PM) : Want to Earn Dollars everyday? Stop Clicking for Cents. Earn dollars with this website. Please visit:
Ralph White - (6/17/2014 6:38:39 PM) : Hello, my fellow Adland member. I hope that you are having a wonderful day and always remember that making one person smile can change the world. Maybe not the whole world, but their world.
Danny Kuhlmann - (6/8/2014 3:44:28 PM) :
Danny Kuhlmann - (5/4/2014 12:08:14 AM) :
Courtenay Oconnell - (4/29/2014 5:03:26 AM) : Thank you all- your kindness is much appreciated. Looking forward to chatting with all of you from time to time :)
Ralph White - (4/28/2014 4:56:52 PM) : I have sent you an offer of friendship and I hope that you accept it
Tony Harnett - (4/28/2014 9:59:16 AM) : Hi Courtenay, you're very welcome! Talk to you soon . . .
Courtenay Oconnell - (4/27/2014 12:17:06 AM) : Thank you for your kind comments! I hope to meet more nice Adlanders like you during my stay here at ADP! Have a nice day!
Diane Bjorling - (4/26/2014 5:03:10 PM) : A very warm welcome to you Courtenay and the study of aging is a very complex matter indeed, Isee you are in Administration, do you get a chance to get into the "field" so to speak?
Linda Harvey - (4/26/2014 7:32:54 AM) : Wishing you a warm welcome to Adlandpro !


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