
Who is Kimberly Clemens?

Kimberly Clemens

Kimberly Clemens
Member SinceMonday, January 11, 2010
Last ActivityThursday, April 8, 2010
LocationRochester Hills, Michigan, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
The Pied Pipers are an improvisational children's theatre troupe. Working without sets or props and with little scripted material, their performance style inspires children's imaginations. Children enjoy active involvement in the theatre, so the Pied Pipers invite them to participate in the stories. Every child who comes to a Piper show is greeted personally by a member of the troupe. Stories, songs, and poetry from around the world and across cultures help instill in children a love of reading, and appreciation of the arts, and a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them. ONE TWO THREE ONCE UPON A TIME Part of the excitement of a pipers show is that no two are alike. As the troupe performs throughout the year for schools, churches, birthday parties, libraries, and other organizations, they draw from a large repertoire to provide a unique, entertaining experience for each audience. The troupe offers a fresh and exciting performance that can be adapted to most audiences and venues. Although the Pipers' intended audience is children, people of all ages enjoy their performance.
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Ralph White - (2/1/2010 9:51:00 AM) : Free Motivation E-Book From Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow RichUse the below link to download this best selling book. no purchaseis required, just download the book and start reading.
Ralph White - (2/1/2010 9:50:49 AM) : FREE MEMBERSHIP OFFERMy mentor, who is a certified Internet Millionaire,upsetthe Internet industry by offering, risk free, membershipsin his organization where he shares the tools that heuses to help the little guy make extra money from home.Visit the below web site and sign up for your free accountbefore this offer ends
Kimberly Clemens - (1/12/2010 5:01:20 PM) : Now I am in an improvisational theatre group and we want to go on tour but do not have enough funds. I got put in charge of getting shows, but I don't seem to be having much luck. Any ideas?
Kimberly Clemens - (1/12/2010 4:59:53 PM) : I used to run my own business but failed at it miserably. I was better at figuring out creative ways to advertise but not as good in the actual selling
Kimberly Clemens - (1/12/2010 4:53:54 PM) : Thanks Cheryl
Cheryl Maples - (1/12/2010 4:05:26 AM) : Hello Kimberly, Welcome to our friendly community. It's nice to meet you here. May this be your best year yet. Follow your dreams! Cheryl


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