
Who is Cindy Loewen?

Cindy Loewen

Cindy Loewen
Member SinceFriday, June 2, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, May 25, 2011
LocationRosenort, Manitoba, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me
Hi my name is Cindy Loewen. I am happily married to Rey (28 years) and we have 3 wonderful kids...Chad/21, Derek/18, Janessa/15. My interests are my family, friends, Springs church, camping, traveling, cycling, reading, boating, watching my kids play hockey, and my business. I love to work with people, and I want to help as many as I can to reach their goals and dreams. 3 Main Benefits of Network Marketing: - the person you become - the friendships you develop - the money. Don't focus on the money...focus on the person you can become, the money will follow. Mentoring for Free is a system where you * Learn How to Think, not What to think * Teach you skills on live and interactive calls 5 days a week * Teach you exactly, step-by-step, how to build huge residual income * Generate your own leads * Learn that MLM is NOT a sales business, It is NOT a recruiting business. Build people. People will build your business. * Build once, build big, build it for your children's children. * You feel like you belong to a team, a family. * You cannot build a business by need a team
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Bruce Glidden - (7/4/2007 7:32:21 AM) : Hello Cindy,

Thank you for adding me as your friend, which will be an important part of your marketing success. We have Forums and Websites that are full of great ways to promote your Business. I am always here if you may need any assistance. Just look me up in your friends list...;-)

FREE Business
I have many discounted services available
Joelees Wholesale - (7/3/2007 4:05:18 PM) : Hi Cindy,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Cindy Loewen - (7/3/2007 4:05:18 PM) : Hey Lee...thank you for rating my profile at a 10...
this is the first time I got such a email..I didn't know we could rate each other's profiles..

Learn something new every day.

Thanks Lee...and have a most awesome
Independence Day tomorrow.


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