
Who is Anthony Colabove?

Anthony Colabove

Anthony Colabove
BirthdayTuesday, September 4, 1956
Member SinceTuesday, August 7, 2007
Last ActivityMonday, August 31, 2009
LocationHalethorpe, Maryland, United States United States
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me

Hi Members,



I started getting a home businesses with in the last couple of years. I was on the internet playing a lot of fantasy sports games for all sports. I liked the competition. I suffer from chronic pain from injuries that required a lot of back fusions, shoulder,neck,arm surgeries. Pain is my ugly friend on a daily basis. They're always with me. Never wants to leave.


I have always tried to make sure I do a lot of things with my son. Even if it's just hanging out with him at my place. But we have done and still do things together. Going to sporting events with him, doing  just about anything he would want to do, just to make sure I have always spent a lot of time with him. Taking him to BMX tracks, Freestyle bycycle, monster truck shows, Dew Tour this summer, that was fun. It's hard a lot of times with the chronic pain but I try to push my self through it for him. He won't be a child forever. He's 13 now. I camped with him when he was younger. Says he doesn't like it as much. We haven't done it for about 4-5 years now. But he's a teenager now, so I don't know if he knows what he likes. I can say I have done a lot with him so far. Hard to figure out sometimes though at this age. He's pretty much been my world with all the injuies I have and the chronic pain, I really have not done a lot my self because of the pain.


Like I said I started doing business on the internet about a year ago now. It's getting there. you have to keep working at it if you want to be successful. It's a business and you have to treat it like one. I started doing it as a way to try and not think about the pain. I am unable to work outside the home with all my injuries and the chronic pain. I can hardly get out of bed a lot of days, but I do even though there's day I don't feel like it. I have not worked for quite some time now. I had to find something to change some of the way I was living. I had to find something to  have more structure and meaning in my life. It's bad enough with the pain and it has made things really hard in a lot of ways in my personal life.


I wasn't doing anything besides going to therapy, having surgery, suffering from pain, which I still do on a regular basis. Still making sure I do what I can with my son and spend as much time with him as I can. At his age now, he wants to spend it with his friends which I understand. I didn't want to hang with my dad as much. But I think a lot of parents don't do enough with there kids as they should. I don't think a lot of them know where there kids are most of the time. I think they just want them out of there hair most of the time and then don't know what they are doing and then wonder why or how they got in to trouble. I think there is a lot of bad parents out there today. They just dont' seem to care what there kids are doing. Now there is a lot of good parents though too. Maybe it's where I live or something but I know where my son lives, which is just a mile from me, it seems like a lot of the parents don't have time for there kids. Oh well I have to worry about mine and my problems but still hate to see it. If I do things with my son I have his friends go with us for something to do.


Enough of that. I have been making sure I keep my self busy with some home business I have gotten in to. That keeps me busy but, I have to take a lot of breaks because of the pain. I can't sit for very long or I get in a lot of pain. I keep tring and start hurting more. I try and spend as much time as possible to make sure I work my businesses. I feel you have to especially while you are getting them to grow where you want them to be. It's a must.


I honestly don't think you can spend just a couple of hours a week on your busniesses if you want them to be what you really want and have them be successful. I do my best. I'm getting there with them. I have gotten in to some good businesses.


One kind of helps the other once I get them to really where I want them. But, the one can do a lot for the others with the one giving me my own domain website and email addresses and giving me a place I will be able to have my own site and have the email addresses I will need as I grow. This is with GDI, Global Domains International. You get your own domain name and website and up to 10 email addresses, hosting of your own site, plus your GDI site and a lot more.


My website tells all about it.


I also have a FREE business I recently got into and I love this business very much. A fantastic woman is the CEO, and Founder, Genny Dye of My Power Mall. She seems to be really didicated to this business and one very smart and energetic woman. She seems to never stop at what she does. She wants to help as many children she can with her motto being, "Together we can change the world." I think she can do a good job on her own. But, she always says that she can not do it with out her members. And the support staff and Founding Members that helped her in the vision she had of wanting to have a FREE Home Business she could give to the people to truly help them with there dream of owning there own home business.


You do not have to pay any fee to join My Power Mall and there are no upgrading costs later on in the business. She gives you every tool you could possibly think of to help you with your FREE Home Business. Letters, Pre-written emails, E-Cards with music or audio, autoresponder letters, Banners, and a lot more. She will try and give everything she can for FREE to help the person with ther home business. I think she is truly an amazing woman.


I think this is a home busineess that will be tops on the internet soon. She just started it almost a yerar now. She has a lot of dreams and they are becoming realities on a regular basis now. There is any where between hundreds to over a thousand people a day joining My Power Mall. She doesn't hype the numbers to act like there is thousands every single day. She doesn't do business that way. This will be the best on line FREE Shopping Mall on the internet in the very near future. No one that I'm aware of yet has anything like this.


You save money on what you buy and then you get a percentage rebate when you buy and when your members you signed up buy anything. It's a great plan. Check it out at,


It's the best.


I feel this is really going to be a top internet business of it's kind. She is doing business all over the world already. She is always adding new businesses, especially in the foreign countries to get them growing. People are alway scowering the internet malls for great saving for My Power Mall. I think this is a real winner here. Giving people something they do all the time and giving them a way to save and make a great income at the same time.


It's help make my life a little easier. And, I can get anything I can possibly think of from the Malls. Anything! With my disability this lets me work at my own pace and helps when I can't get out.


 I also have some other great advertising sites that are free and very low priced that can get your advertisements out to millions and billions.


I recently became a seller of children's clothing. You will not believe the prices you can get. You will never pay retail again for kids clothing. These prices will amaze you. These are all TOP NAME BRAND CLOTHING. ( FUBU, Adidas, All About Jane, POLO, ECKO, NFL, and so many more. You can save anywhere from 50% - 70% BELOW STORE PRICES! How can you not take advantage of these prices. Especially in today's economy this is a life saver for people on a tight budget which is going to be more people than ever before. Even if you are not feeling the crunch you still want to save money and you will with MAGIC KIDS CLOTHING INC.


You can check out the GREAT SAVING at my website.






Thank you for taking the time to read this long version of my story



Anthony Colabove.



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