
Who is Tasneem Hameed?

Tasneem Hameed

Tasneem Hameed
BirthdayMonday, November 6, 1950
Member SinceTuesday, September 23, 2008
Last ActivityTuesday, May 1, 2012
LocationLahore, Punjab, Pakistan Pakistan
Place of Origin
About Me
About Me
An internationalist to the core I am finding myself nowadays living in a world full of wolfs or wolfs in the garb of sheeps.If on the one hand tecknology is making life easier for some, same tecknology is bringing devastation to others.Law of jungle has returned with a bang .I am basically a human resource Professional and believe in the dignity of human race,but is  seeing a race among humans to outdo one another for power and pride.Lets all pray and hope that the prayers are met.
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Roger Bjornerud - (3/1/2010 1:18:36 PM) : Thank you for becoming my friend Tasneem. If you have any questions please click my name and send me a message. :)


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