
Who is Sunny Lim?

Sunny Lim

Sunny Lim
Member SinceThursday, March 3, 2005
Last ActivityFriday, January 1, 2021
LocationSingapore, Singapore, Singapore Singapore
About Me
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Sunny Lim - (7/17/2016 8:59:52 AM) : Hi Jan, Glad to hear from you and the Lord bless you too as we look to His return. Keep in touch will you and you too welcome back.
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (7/16/2016 3:28:57 PM) : Welcome Back, I had been inactive for a couple years ... have been checking in often, since June 2015l ... Happiness is one's mind over matter. One's mind being the individual, living among the living ... Matter is infinite from the point of an individual ... beyond Earth into the cosmos ... by Jan aka Jaz
Monika Woods - (10/29/2005 10:19:58 AM) : Your beautiful words of encouragment are heartwarming. To know that so many serve our risen Lord all over the world is amazing! Keep up the good work and God be with you!
Sunny Lim - (10/29/2005 10:19:58 AM) : Hi Monika my sister in Christ!

Not sure if I have responded to you before and I want to thank you for your kind comments. As I have always shared we as believers must optimized the internet boom to share the good news of Jesus Christ and His soon coming to bring and awaken people to this awareness that we must get ourselves prepared and ready of His return when it is day or when night falls when no man can work as we witness the bible prophecies unfold in our present troubled world. Let us encourage one another in prayer as we continue to put our trust and faith in the Lord.

May the good Lord bless you and your family. May He also bless you richly in all your endeavours as you continue to witness and bless others with His blessings.

As Always,
Be a Humanitarian Entrepreneur and help feed the hungry children.
Greer Trumble - (7/6/2005 10:04:23 AM) : Sunny is a frequent and supportive visitor at my forums, and makes great contributions. I'm very glad he's my friend!!
Sunny Lim - (7/6/2005 10:04:23 AM) : Hi Greer!

Thanks for your kind support and comments. I am glad too that you are my friend. To me you look like a very learned and cool person, resemble like Bing Crosby as well as my pastor who baptized me long time ago. Your bow tie
dress code has alot to do with it. Keep in touch will you.

Sunny Lim - (6/25/2005 3:07:41 PM) : Hi Robin!

Thank you very much for your kind rating and and comments. I am glad that you like the site. Anytime if you wish to know more about Skyquestcom E-learning and it's unique programs for business, knowledge and/or pleasure, please feel free to ask me. I am seeking to build a network team in USA should you be interested.

Drbob Siegman - (6/14/2005 11:10:30 AM) : To anyone looking to turn their life around by redevloping themselves into the type of person that warrants Success I recommend a visit to Sunny's SkyQuest website. I was very impressed

Dr Bob Siegman

If you want to know more about DrBob
Just visit my Personal Website at
Sunny Lim - (6/14/2005 11:10:30 AM) : Hi Dr Bob!
Thank you very much for your kind and generous rating. I am very pleased that you are impressed with Skyquestcom website and I most appreciative of your recommendation.
Great to know it from a Dr's view.

Skyquestcom Program For Success
Build a wise, friendly and respectable family.
Nick Kitchen - (6/7/2005 3:43:21 PM) : Very good site , easy to navigate , the products are good , my main business also deals with personal/family and wealth development , so it is very easy for me to give 10 out of 10 score .



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