
Who is Rita Fleischer?

Rita Fleischer

Rita Fleischer
Member SinceThursday, June 8, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, May 4, 2008
LocationBoynton Beach, Florida, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Hi, let me introduce myself.   My name is Rita Fleischer and I live in Boynton Beach, Florida.   I am a widow for 15 years and have two sons and three beautiful grandchildren.  I live with my significant other, Mort.   We have been together for 13 years.  


Enough about me, what can I say about what I have done and like to do.   First thing, I love to dance but can't do that as I used to.  I am also an author.   I wrote a spiritual book about my spiritual writings, called, "Probes, Poetry and Stories, A Spiritual Enlightenment for Everyday Use."  My book is used every day.   I follow a spiritual path in my life called Eckankar.  


Next what do I do. I am a word processor by trade and worked for a major mortgage company for 12 years as a word processor until they sold the company and I went to work for myself and became self-employed.   I work out of my home.   I do alot of networking and worked many companies, with many products until NOW!   NOW I have found the most fabulous, easiest program in the world and I am the most excited person in the world.   First of all, our program is not MLM, no hype, no sponsoring [not required], no buying or selling of products.   Our program is called GWBOPC [Global Wealthbuilders Offshore Privacy Club].  


Thousands of our members are:


*Learning how simple it is to earn thousands of dollars of extra income each month.

*Learning how easy it is to structure their financial affairs to be able to receive this income

  totally tax-free.

*Starting to finally have all the money they need to live the lifestyle they and their families desire and deserve.

Don't take my word for it, go there yourself and explore your options.   Here is my website address:


One thing I learned is that I don't put all my eggs in one basket, so have multiple streams of income for yourself.


So here is my story and live each day of your live with love and peace in your heart.  I will leave you with a probe from my book:


Ä Moment is only a Moment

Share it - Enjoy it- Live it!


May the Blessings Be!





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