I have joined to help people and make some new friends. I do own a business, but that is not my main or only concern. I have a family and pets, as well as my home.
I spent some years working in nursing homes. From that I learned how much I like helping people. Making others happy is one of the easiest ways I have found to make myself happy.
I do not have a picture posted because I am a person who absolutely dislikes being in front of a camera.
I would love to hear from others that would like to be friends. I am not searching for the "perfect" business, marketing tool, or other such "opportunity".
My family, business, and helping others does take up a considerable amount of my time, so if it takes a bit for me to get back to you, please do not feel offended.
I hope you have a wonderful day! I wish you the best in any endeavor you try, and look forward to meeting you.