
Who is Russ Ackerman?

Russ Ackerman

Russ Ackerman
BirthdayWednesday, May 22, 1957
Member SinceFriday, May 25, 2007
Last ActivityFriday, September 12, 2008
LocationForest City, Iowa, United States United States
About Me
About Me

How does it feel to go from $120,000.00 to $0 in 2 months? Ask us we’ve been there. Corporate America at it’s finest! We lost our home, a car and part of our family. We were homeless for over a year, living in a garage apartment on loan to us from the pastor of the church we started attending. He didn’t charge rent and  paid our electric for almost 14 months, and never complained.


The jobs came, any where from $10 to $12 per hour, but that barely put gas in the truck to go back and forth to work. Food stamps, medical cards, gifts, and hand outs;


A real husband and father can not let that happen for long. How long can you just do nothing to improve your lifestyle and watch birthdays, anniversaries, and Christmas go by with no gifts, or very few gifts? How long can you watch the children you love run around in all ready worn out, hand me down clothes?


December 2005, I finally got a good contracting job. It paid well enough to support all of us. We started paying electric bills, getting some much needed things; including saving up money for deposits needed to move. We located a somewhat decent place to live, until we could buy again, and at the end of February 2006 we moved. Wow, we were excited! Our own place! No more hand outs!


February 27, 2006 we were just finishing moving everything into our new home. I stepped out on the deck to take a break and the cell phone rang. It was the company I contracted through. The company I was in was bought out and ALL contractors were being immediately released. We should have sat down and cried! Now what, I was starting to tremble, knowing all that my family had been through for the last five years. As I hung up, and turned to my wife, not knowing what to expect (she had heard my end of the call), she was smiling. She came over, took my hand, and said, “Didn’t we start a home based business a while ago? We need to get out of the corporate rat race and just DO IT!”


Did we ever! I will never lie and say we are making millions when we aren’t, but that home based business is helping to supply our needs. We believe that God supplies all of our needs, but He also picks the vehicle. We have been given an enormous opportunity to not only help ourselves, but to help others, and the best part is; IT’S WORKING! Is it hard, yes, but at the same time it is simple. All we do is follow a Proven System presented to us by our Mentors, and it is happening for us just as it did for them.


Are we in the best home based business out there? That would be a question you would have to answer. If you ask us, we would say “We are absolutely in the Best Business, Home based or not!” The promises are not for a few, but for ALL who are willing to put fourth the effort, and who truly want to succeed.


Some people have a lot of time and some have a lot of money. In today's corporate world how many hours are you expected to work? How much quality time do you spend with your family? When was the last real vacation you took? Are you just finishing high school or college, or are you ready to retire? Are you in retirement and struggling to make ends meet? Maybe you have a handicap of some sort? Maybe you are in a similar situation to what we were. Excuses will only stand in your way if you let them. We will never let excuses stand in our way. Situations may slow us down temporarily, if we let them, but we believe in finding a way. What can you make is entirely up to you. We know what we will be making next week, next month, next year, and on into the future.


An old Chinese proverb says “Dig the well before you thirst.”

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Tina Bryant - (7/19/2007 8:23:05 PM) : Thank you for vising
I visited your website and really liked the information it provided.
If there is something that we can help your business with, contact us at


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