
Who is Ron Scruggs?

Ron Scruggs

Ron Scruggs
BirthdayMonday, July 17, 1961
Member SinceSunday, October 29, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, March 8, 2009
LocationBowling Green, Ohio, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
Hello, I'm Ron Scruggs from Bowling Green, Ky. I would personaly would like to thank you for dropping by. I'm a construction superviser by day and a professional network marketer by night. I'm a proud family man, with three boys. I like many others wanted to create a better life for my family. We all have dreams and to the ones that are willing to work for it deserve it. One thing I have learned is without the skills you will never reach your dreams. I came accross a program called Mentoring For Free. Someone was kind enough to teach me from MFF and point me in the right direction. I started with a free ebook (Success in 10 Steps). If you are like me and have a willingness to learn the skills and truth about network marketing please don't hesitate to contact me.
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Kathy Hamilton - (7/24/2007 3:21:07 PM) : Hello my amazing friend, welcome very glad I have met you. this is a great sight.
Im here for you any time just call but I know you will,you are my daily inspiration .thank you,
Kathy Hamilton
253 277 1238
Ron Scruggs - (7/24/2007 3:21:07 PM) : You are amazing.

Thank you

Joelees Wholesale - (7/15/2007 10:48:13 AM) : Hi Ron,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee
Ron Scruggs - (7/15/2007 10:48:13 AM) : Hello Lee,

Thank you and here is a free gift. This eBook changed my life. I'm not recruiting just offering a free gift.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me.


Ron Scruggs
270-782-7676 anytime

"Be a Mentor with a Servants Heart"


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