
Who is Celine Rochat?

Celine Rochat

Celine Rochat
BirthdayWednesday, January 26, 1955
Member SinceMonday, March 1, 2010
Last ActivitySunday, March 22, 2020
LocationOttawa, Ontario, Canada Canada
About Me
About Me

My name is Celine. My husband's name is René. What a coincidence! Exactly like the famous couple Celine Dion and René Angelil! Unfortunately, I do not have her voice!!!! OK let be serious. I have retired in January 2010 at the age of 55 after 36 years with the Canadian Public Service. I have 2 children, 2 grand children, 2 sisters and 2 brothers. We are a very close family. We meet everytime there is a birthday in the family. Lots of parties!!

After I retired, I started studying internet marketing. I finally find the right company. When I was presented that company, I could not believe how credible this company was. I wish I would have been introduced to that company a long time ago. If by any chance, you are looking for the right company, a company you will never be disappointed with, here it is. This company is called Usana Health Sciences founded by Dr. Myron Wentz. See how credible this company is: and anywhere on web.

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Cheryl Maples - (1/26/2012 7:02:21 AM) : Happy Birthday, Celine! Enjoy your special day! Cheryl
Alain Deguire - (1/26/2012 1:56:21 AM) : Hello Celine! This is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Charity Brown - (12/26/2011 6:24:37 PM) : Hello from Cornwall feel free to drop by anytime and visit my site
Michael... Clayton - (12/1/2011 4:53:54 AM) : Hi Celine be nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
Sonia Mcdowell - (3/7/2011 3:36:18 AM) : Hello Celine! I tried to visit your business link and it didn't work. It's the one you have in the "About Me" box. Thought I'd take time to check out some of my "friends" here at AdlandPro. Hope you have a great year!
La Nell ! - (3/7/2011 1:18:29 AM) : Hi Celine, Let's be friends. Accept my invitation. LaNell
Kalyn Loe - (3/2/2011 5:47:54 PM) : Hey there Celine, How is your day going
Dana Tisdel - (2/16/2011 7:29:45 PM) : Hello Celine...thanks for the invite :-). Have a great day!!
Ralph White - (2/13/2011 9:47:29 AM) : Hello fellow member. Hope you have a great day!!
Cheryl Maples - (1/26/2011 5:20:13 AM) : Happy Birthday, Celine! Enjoy your day! Cheryl


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