
Who is Roland Davis?

Roland Davis

Roland Davis
BirthdaySunday, February 1, 1959
Member SinceFriday, November 3, 2006
Last ActivityTuesday, July 24, 2007
LocationGrand Rapids, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me

      Hello,                                                                                                                 I am really pleased with the content and the great people here at Adland. It has been an enjoyable and enlightening experience so far.


  Making a living at my Internet Business and retiring young is my goal and a lot of you probably would like to do the same I'm sure.


  Well, I'll assure you that it hasn't been easy to get where I am now and I've paid a lot of "stupid tax" also. But I learn new ways to gain ground every day.

Always reading and trying the latest marketing and promoting programs.

Everything from SEO to newsletters,eBay and email campaigns. It all does come down to the "LIST". Take my word for it, you cannot buy it. The true targeted list for your business has to be earned by acquiring a reputation of  being trustworthy,timely and give the best product at a reasonable price.


   I'm not going to "pitch "anything here. I just want to give you a sense of who I am and what I am really about. Telling you like it is and let you make your own decision .


   Most of the time if you can give someone what they want and offer support in using it to thier greatest potential ,they will buy from you.


    If you are seeking any advice on infoproducts and marketing them, I would be glad to help if I can in any way. Please email me at( OR (


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                             Roland Davis




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