
Who is Darren Neuberger?

Darren Neuberger

Darren Neuberger
BirthdayTuesday, December 3, 1968
Member SinceFriday, February 11, 2005
Last ActivityWednesday, May 23, 2007
LocationLethbridge, Alberta, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me
I am 36 years old and am proud to say that I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with Leukemia on August 4,2003 and underwent numerous rounds of chemotherapy and two weeks(9 days) of brain radiation. I had been on chemo for 2 years straight and finished my treatments on July 27/05. I am pleased to report that I am in remission which is awesome since there is no cure for leukemia!!! I like to spend my time helping others whom are going through cancer or have a loved one doing so and I am always open to sharing what I have learned and experienced in my life throughout these past 2 years and it gives me great joy knowing that I can put a smile back on their faces when they feel like there is nothing to smile about!!! I have learned to appreciate a lot of different things in my NEW LIFE (post chemo) and I have taken great joy in how I have been able to teach myself some of the greater lessons in life just by being open and caring to others in need!! We only get one chance at this gift we have called life, so why would we want to spoil it!! On a personal note, I am married to a beuatiful woman for almost 5 years now and she has been my rock for the past 2 years, without her .... We have a 4 year old Shih tzu dog and her name is Tobi, my constant companion the past year and a half!! I love sports,especially golf and baseball and I am gaining a very keen interest in real estate and presently I am going to be taking training to be a Home Inspector. I have goals of expanding my talents in other fields of real estate as well and I also am very interested in helping others with their own goals. I don't want to sound modest, because I am not about me, I do however have an extensive background in sales and I have been learning things now that I am confident will help boost a persons morale and generate some exciting opportunities for their business' and their personal lives. Feel free to contact me whenever!! Darren
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Randy Grover - (7/25/2005 12:18:49 PM) : Way to go Darren.
Kathy Hamilton - (6/8/2005 12:00:52 PM) : Hello very intersting site,please share with community and join forums so we may get to know you and your very glad you are here.Your friend kathy martin


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