
Who is Edward Pizzo?

Edward Pizzo

Edward Pizzo
Member SinceTuesday, August 9, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, January 13, 2015
LocationHenderson, Nevada, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I worked on Wall Street for quite a few years, I loved my job but hated the commute. I moved to Las Vegas to follow up on my dreams and for the most part I am succeeding and moving forward towards each of my goals every day.

I also consult for a few businesses in the communications and micro computing field, I have been moving further away from that field these days and concetrating most of my efforts on social media style websites. I have been playing with a few social models and currently, I believe I found a huge untapped niche market that needs attention, based on my experience from my personal hobbies.

Life has been known to throw a few curve balls here and there so I make sure to stay in shape and be ready for just about anything that comes my way, I just never know who I might meet or where I might end up. If you ever need help drop me a line I always try to make myself available during the day to help people when they need it.

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Jack Sunshine - (3/28/2010 8:02:42 PM) : EASTER SAVINGS Orders over $99.00 take 30% off mention Code SS30 Orders over $49.00 take 15% OFF MENTION CODE SS15. Become a Distributor and start you own at home jewelry business selling to, friends, neighbors and business associates, also making home parties. It's easy and it's fun to earn money as a Distributor. For Information CALL : 1-800-767-4469...
Michael... Clayton - (3/25/2010 5:04:39 AM) : Hi Edward nice to have you as a friend. Please visit my main forum thread and post your opportunities so many more members can get to know what you do online. Just click on forum on my profile and look for the main thread. You are also welcome to join Regards Michael
David Daniel - (12/18/2006 2:34:06 AM) : good to be your friend
Georgia Jenkins - (12/16/2006 6:04:18 PM) : Yes, I'll be a friend. (can't get back into regular message - trying new email).
Proud you're already in Xango. If you can give addl. tips over ,I'll listen.
Maxed out on programs right now. -guess Robert Blackman and "greatest networker" are competition. I purchased 1000 $100 look alike cards (from the latter)& don't have the places to use them. Neither do I have the money for 6 boxes to sell wholesale. Would you like to buy them from me for the $400 I paid?

Have you heard of Ultimate ME2 to promote gas mileage?

Anyway, thanks for the greeting.
May you ahd your family have a wonderful Christmal & New Year.

Georgia Jenkins
Randall Parks - (10/28/2005 7:54:35 AM) : Edward is a knowledgable and generous guy. He gives of himself to help and asks nothing in return.
Norm Bisel - (9/8/2005 1:40:47 PM) : Thank you for visiting my pages yesterday.

Norm !
Kathy Hamilton - (9/3/2005 12:02:49 PM) : hello my friend, very interesting site, glad you are here,if you need anything please let me know,kathy martin


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