
Who is Terry Bowen?

Terry Bowen

Terry Bowen
Member SinceTuesday, March 25, 2008
Last ActivityMonday, November 2, 2009
LocationNorthridge, California, United States United States
About Me
About Me

My name is Terry Bowen.

I spent my younger years in Manhattan, where I was born.


After high school,  I went into the US Air Force and ended up, 200 miles inside the arctic circle, too close to the North Pole.  This experience froze some sense into me and told me to listen to Horace Greeley who said, "Go West Young Man" and I did, ending up in sunny California.


Don't get me wrong, I sorta liked the wilderness of Alaska, especially living so high on top of a mountain, that, I had to look down below our living area to see the clouds circling the mountain, almost like living in heaven, however, I did miss the sun badly, for the six months of darkness during the year. 


After, my Alaska experience, I went straight to California Polytechnic State University and started studying electronic engineering, then later at Roosevelt University in Hawaii, I graduated in Computer Science and Computer Systems Analysis, who knew, I could have had a V8.


Anyway a long career in the Military led to an interesting career in tracking satellites and intelligence duties.  I, also, worked with the US Secret Service Protective Team, working with presidential candidates (at the time), Ronald Reagan and George Bush.  


And later the Sheriffs Department, from which I retired, and afterwards, because, I watch too many movies, I had to do the private detective thing for about 6 years, you know, a darkened office with a little jazz playing in the background and speaking with clients in a soft, quiet atmosphere, it didn;t make me Magnum but it kept me happy. 


Now, I am involved with trying to find leaders for a bio-technological company, that, has patents pending on some new procedures and discoveries that will change the way we do things now and in the future concerning DNA and nutrition. 


This is big and it is getting bigger. The launch was August 1, 2008.

See for yourself:


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Judi Shirley - (8/28/2009 6:07:02 AM) : Was Manhattan as cold as the arctic circle? BRRRRRRR!! Good thing you traveled to sunny California I left Minnesota, the cold tundra of the Mid East when I was 9, said to go so when I was married with 4 kids I went back. Then I found that sense you talked about and moved back to San Diego. Now I am back in the snow in Cedar City UT.....will I ever learn lol
Don Egnor - (12/11/2008 3:01:43 PM) : Good to see that you are using Talk Fusion to promote your business Terry!

I wish you the very best!

Don Egnor
