About Me
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About Me
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I'm The Outsider
Outside of Everything
Everything at ALL !
My main profession is artist musician. I'm making music from a childhood. Have own sound studio, where I spend most of my time. Honestly - all the time. For many years I was living in my own world of make-believe. Or in virtual reality. I've forgotten to eat, to sleep, to wash myself ... like a hermit. One day recently - I woke up and have seen my own reflection in a windowpane. What a pathetic sight! I wear my rags off and started to look at myself very carefully - just skin and bones. Shadow-man. Coffee, tea and pipe tobacco - the only things, I was consuming through last few years. I didn't care of myself ... of anything. I saw all my past life - like a movie on a low speed - with all details. I felt myself unwanted, needless, useless. Then I burst into tears. I took a long knife, to undercut my throat at once. And when I was thinking about which direction I have to do the cut - from left to right, or just the opposite - suddenly a plan arose in my head. I decided in one second to become very rich man. Over 15 years I'm in computers & internet. I dare to say - I know almost everything about. And what I don't know - I learn immediately. I never needed money. Actually - I don't need it as well for now. I just want to MAKE money. So, MONEY MAKING restored me to life. Now I am at the beginning of this way - I must learn a lot still. But I found it very excited. I started to get to know new cool people ... I really have seen something, I missed before .... Heh!

My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Homemaking, Languages, Learning, Psychology, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Cards and Games, Reading, Writing, Art, Making Music, Philosophy, Poetry, Modern Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP, Video Games, Pop Culture, Audio/Video, Radio, Music, Gambling, Lotteries, Travel, Gardening, Nature, Tennis, Other Sports
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Homemaking, Languages, Learning, Psychology, Science, Self-Development, Teaching, Writing, Art, Making Music, Philosophy, Modern Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Hardware, Multimedia, Internet, Wireless, Software, VOIP, Video Games, Pop Culture, Audio/Video, Current Events, Radio, Music, Gambling