
Who is Lise Guillet?

Lise Guillet

Lise Guillet
BirthdayFriday, August 15, 1969
Member SinceSaturday, May 5, 2007
Last ActivityFriday, November 14, 2008
LocationDunedin, Florida, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I hope to help others achieve thier goals while achieving my own! I love to help others, and continue to improve myself as much as I can. I enjoy many things with my family, and hope very much to make them proud. I wish all of you the ver best in life!




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Rob Vela - (5/5/2007 12:42:45 PM) : Hi Lise? Welcome to adlander? That is a sharp looking website you have? Could you use this to get free publicity for your fine online offer on a grand global scale?
Hi Everyone,

We have had a fantastic finish to the month of April. Over 650 Signups, 386 Upgrades and now we are about to see just what it's all about. Our first payroll have just been done and all commissions are to be paid out on May 10th.

Another fantastic announcement, SolidTrustPay is now in place and in the next 24 hours you will be able to select your payment method of STP or cheque. Those that want to pay by STp will also have the option in the next 24 hours, just watch your back offices.

Many of our members that were even in FREE Mode will receive paycheques in May making this the most explosive start that this group has seen.

All members that followed us into this venture are going to be glad they did as many will receive paycheques over $100 for their first month. We expect to triple or even quadruple this in May as we have just launched our massive campaign.

Kevin Sipe, CEO of Site Wizard SEO, has just launched a major press release through PRWeb that will end up on the fax machines of over 600 reporters worldwide and reach a targeted reading audience of over 80 Million readers.

This alone will drive 1000's to our conference room and websites drawing massive signups. We have targeted major businesses on the internet and have already been approached by link exchange companies to participate in our program.

I'm not going to HYPE this but if you are not on board this program now, it will be one of the biggest opportunities that you will pass on in the last 20 years.

SEO Technology is the most current website exposure softwares today and is used by online professionals to get the upper edge on marketers. We now have this powerful product that can be used by any marketer to stay in play with all these top dogs.
We are now going to be doing our upgrades as a team twice a month, on the 15th and the 30th in order to help each member create the commissions and to get them to build the websites they need to get the maximum exposure.

Site Wizard Seo and Home Based Times will also be showcasing every members website as they have them made and we will have a specially created page that all members sites will be on in categories so that they can create backlinking to the Home Based Times and vice versa.

This will create faster ranking in Alexa for your sites.

Home based Times is now taking you to another level. you will no longer "nickel and dime" it on the internet. it is now time to play with the BIG DOGS!

We will be having our regularly scheduled Team Meeting at 3:00pm EST and again at 8:00pm EST today in our 24 HR Live Online Conference Room.

Everyone is invited to join us, member or not. Kevin Sipe of Site Wizard will be joining us for the 8:00pm EST call tonight.

See you all there!

Carl Haavaldsen
Home Based Times
Skype: rmcglobal
Stay in Touch – “Networking Is a Contact Sport”
Lise Guillet - (5/5/2007 12:42:45 PM) : Hi Robert,
Thanks for the contact...I'm new to the whole internet marketing world. The site is my most recent investment in multiple streams os income, and limits any advertising, other than that already provided from the base company. I am hoping to have another site ready soon, where that will be possible. The site is up now, but I will be revamping it now. I have been studying on this a lot, and I have a lot of work to do. Have an awesome day!Please keep in touch! All The Best To You!


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