
Who is Dannie Griffin?

Dannie Griffin

Dannie Griffin
BirthdaySunday, January 20, 1957
Member SinceMonday, August 15, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, February 19, 2018
LocationPanama City, Florida, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

My name is Dannie Griffin Gods Servant born an raised here in Panama City Fla. doing what God said selling what we have a giving to the poor and elderly. Praise God a lot of us owns cars,houses,and have more than we need on this earth while there are a lot of people have nothing not even a meal. The elderly have not got enough to even pay all their bills an get the medicine every month.

Will thats where we try to help Praise God thru salvation of JESUS Christ the one who came an went to the cross an died an rose the 3rd day so we may have life. The son of man said i have no where to lay my head,But yet people are driving around on $30.000 dollar cars an trucks that last 6 or 7 years when a soul lasts forever.

Pray about helping us bring salvation an food an clothes an helping the elderly with meeting there needs.

If you would like to help Christian Knights

P.O. Box 30052

Panama City Fla. 32401

May God Bless each an everyone of you in JESUS name

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Phillip Black - (1/20/2011 1:58:57 AM) : Hi Dannie, Understand that you are having a Birthday in a few days, so I just stopped by to wish you a Happy Birthday. Hope your Special Day is Wonderful, and Thanks Again for your Friendship. Phil


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