
Who is Nate Zelinsky?

Nate Zelinsky

Nate Zelinsky
BirthdayThursday, December 19, 1957
Member SinceThursday, September 13, 2007
Last ActivityWednesday, September 19, 2007
LocationFergus Falls, Minnesota, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

WE have 5 kids 7to20 years old i'm a 1 year cancer survior trying to start internet biz i got 2 malls cellphone store discount store website is your visit is welcome.Harley parts auto parts everthing on my site is FREE to join and earn.These are not get rich quick,there is no such thing unless you hit the power ball.You have to work them as with any biz,but you meet some nice people along the way to share ideas with work with.I learned that there are a bunch of companies on the
Internet that will allow you to fill out a short application
and INSTANTLY become their affiliate. These companies
provide the products for you to sell, give you websites and
marketing tools to sell them with, follow-up with any
prospects you send their way, close the sale, ship the
products, handle customer ser vice and complaints, and do
virtually all the stuff you would have to do if you were
selling your own products.

Then whenever someone you send to that company buys
something, you get paid a commission for it. It's a win-win
situation. The company is looking for more people to promote
their products and they only pay a commission when an actual
sale is generated. As an affiliate, you don't have all the
burden of providing the product or service, following-up,
closing the sale, handling customer satisfaction issues,
dealing with "problem people", etc. You just get people to
the company's website and the company takes care of all that
for you.Thanks for looking,have a great day.NATE&EMMY

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Joelees Wholesale - (9/15/2007 2:34:43 PM) : Hi Nate,
Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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