
Who is Dollinda Jackson?

Dollinda Jackson

Dollinda Jackson
BirthdaySunday, December 7, 1958
Member SinceSunday, December 10, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, June 29, 2008
LocationBrooklyn, Maryland, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I'm a 48 years old, mother of three- single parent. I'm a lady who enjoys and whats the better things in life and who's determined to established that for my family. I'm totally dedicated to internet marketing because...well I love the computer, but mainly because  not only does it allow me to work in the convenience of my home, but it is also allowing me to reach the financial freedom that me and my family so deeply deserve. So, if there's anyone who's looking for a FREE home base business that totally works, please visit my website at

I know you will be glad that you did. Also, if you are tired of paying too much for cable, Rapid Dish Network is providing the ultimate television experience for only $19.99! This offer includes:FREE Installation for up to 4 rooms! FREE Movie Channels, including HBO, SHOWTIME, CINEMAX, AND STARZ! FREE HDTV Upgrade! NO EQUPMENT TO BUY! If  you or interest please call 1800-425-5728 and mention PROMO CODE 16726.

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Bill Mclaren - (12/14/2006 10:26:47 AM) : We salute you as a 10+ for your belief in natural health - more people should have it which is why Diane has shared the lessons and experience of her 12+ years as a certified health practitioner, business woman, coach, teacher and trainer for thousands of clients, students and partners. You're welcome to contact us about our programs or learn more about us at:
Alfred Delgado - (12/14/2006 3:04:29 AM) : you are a very nice friend
Dollinda Jackson - (12/14/2006 3:04:29 AM) : Hi...thanks for the compliment. I try to be. I believe that friends should help out each other.
Abdulbasit Naas - (12/11/2006 5:06:44 AM) : Hi and have a good day how is your biz ?
Dollinda Jackson - (12/11/2006 5:06:44 AM) : Hi- thanks-I hope you have a good day also. Since I started working for this business, my days has been wonderfully rewarding. I do hope that you visit my site at,so that you too can enjoy the happiness that life has to offer. Its totally FREE!. Take care and God bless
