
Who is Leslie Sprankling?

Leslie Sprankling

Leslie Sprankling
Member SinceSunday, March 5, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, January 3, 2007
LocationAdelaide, South Australia, Australia Australia
About Me
About Me
I’m an Australian business and marketing consultant. I started my first business when I was 8 years old. By the time I was 14 I had started and successfully operated 4 different door to door marketing businesses. After a career of some 11 years in the military,I went back into business operating, at various times, businesses as diverse as a bowling alley, an insurance agency, a real estate office, a wholesale/retail business in flowers and a jewelry manufacturing business. Now I use my training and experience to guide a number of small businesses to better marketing and business practice. I’m currently developing a unique program comprising some 250 different business to business (B2B) services to a virtually limitless range of business clients. Launch will be around late September 2006 (there's new technology coming soon which we will add in, so we are delaying the launch).To get on the mailing list for pre-launch announcements just send a blank email to Review great small business software and pick up some personal software as a gift from us (it's commercial grade, we sell it, but we'll give it to you just for visiting) when you visit my site at Subscribe to Eureka! (our new weekly business newsletter with tutorial type information to help your business get from where it is today, to where you really want it to be) at
My Interests
My Interests (7)
Interests: Bizopp, Friends, Reading
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Fbiggirl Abd - (6/18/2011 8:48:33 PM) : Hi nice to meet you, My name is Esther, A beautiful young looking lady of 24 years old, i found your profile quiet interesting at and i would like to be your friend, please contact me in my private email address so that i will send my picture to you from there you will know whom i am please am just waiting to hear from you now in my mail box Thank
Closed Closed - (5/5/2008 10:36:48 PM) : Help Wanted

We are looking for people who are real sales reps. that have clients that want a product sourced and or manufactured.

We pay higher commissions because we manufacture at lower prices. We work with Inventors and start-ups, supply wholesalers and franchises.

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Lee Talmadge - (3/21/2006 2:50:02 PM) : Hi Lesie,
I Thank You for your friendship,I hope you are finding adland as enjoyable and helpful as I have.I wish you success in all you do :-) Lee
Leslie Sprankling - (3/21/2006 2:50:02 PM) : TYhank you Lee, I appreciate your comments.


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