
Who is Michelle Murrill?

Michelle Murrill

Michelle Murrill
BirthdayTuesday, January 25, 1977
Member SinceThursday, March 1, 2012
Last ActivityFriday, March 9, 2012
LocationOmaha, Nebraska, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Bring in more customers! I like trying new things and meeting new people you never know whats out there until you take that step and look what's around you. The one thing I always tell people is that no matter what happens in life never give up on hope. I always try to make the best of everything in life. When it comes to work, home, and myself. No matter what is thrown at you in life you need to believe that there is something good that will come out of this and just let go. I was one of those people back in the day that worried about anything and cried at everything. That really stressed myself out and everyone around me. I woke up one day and said I have no control over any of this and what ever the out come will be will be I have to make the best of it. Remember this you are never alone!

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Cheryl Maples - (3/1/2012 10:11:01 PM) : Hello Michelle, It's a pleasure to welcome you to our friendly community. Thanks for being friends. You have a great philosophy. Much success to you, Cheryl
