This is not entirely about me personally but also what I believe is just the greatest way to help you. That's what friends are all about after all, isn't it ?
Personally, I am a wife, mother and grandmother, living in the mostbeautiful country in the world, Australia, but I am biased, of course. I appreciate that for you your country is supreme and that's as it should be. As we get to know one another and develop our friendship we can explorethe different facits of our lives, their similarities and differences. I really look forward to getting to know you.
Now about the "helping you" bit ... .... (Or if you are intrigued check out my Web Page) - Please email back so that I can get to know you and we can share our interests. I wish you well with this venture and hope we can continue to email each other. I Look forward to hearing from you,
Very best wishes from Lee
Leonie Parker
Phone: +612 4329 1674
skype: leepar 834