
Who is Langlee Stubbs?

Langlee Stubbs

Langlee Stubbs
Member SinceTuesday, September 13, 2005
Last ActivityMonday, October 27, 2014
LocationBrooklyn, Maryland, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hello my name is Langlee Stubbs and you and I may have a lot in common with similar business interests and goals. Because you're a valued friend and associate, you should know I would never recommend a business opportunity that did not have a very high level of potential for success.
I've been approached to join many new business opportunities, but they just didn't excite me until I saw .

"Gifting" is the fastest way I have found to legally and ethically generate cash Go to

"Gifting" has changed countless lives for the better. People who were about to lose their cars and homes have been saved from financial ruin, college educations have been made possible, and nearly forgotten dreams have come true, all from participation in "Gifting".

This CASH to YOUR MAILBOX thing is REAL!

To Your Success,

Langlee Stubbs

Over Flowing Blessed

You have to feel passionate about what you're doing to get others interested, and I just didn't see anything of personal interest to me until now. I felt I'd have to find an opportunity with mass appeal for people looking for a business opportunity that wouldn't put a huge dent in someone's bank account just to sign up!
Over Flowing Blessed
Christian Wealth Club America
My Interests
My Interests
I haven't selected any of my interests yet.
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