About Me
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About Me
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Who is Kenneth Stewart My friends say I am a carrying man with a passion for my savory, Jesus Christ. My enemies want me to be silent.
I am concerned about our Nation and the destruction of family values. I hate people who will say anything and do anything to achieve their goal, especially power and control over our lives. I also hate people who buy into this deception by supporting such people.
My focus on life is keyed to three words: Honor, honesty and integrity. I don't always succeed, but
my goal remains.
I, like most, find having money enjoyable. Having it under my focus in life gives me a great deal of pleasure when I know others are benefit from my efforts and they in turn are making it possible for others. Life is short, but it can be full of
love and joy if we carry for others first.
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Networking, Investing, Family, Religion, Politics, Self-Development, Teaching, Nutrition, Weight Loss, General Health, Male Health, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, History, Philosophy, Multimedia, Video Games, Movies and Film, TV, Audio/Video, Current Events, Radio, Biking, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Horses, Swimming