
Who is Kenneth Townsend?

Kenneth Townsend

Kenneth Townsend
Member SinceMonday, February 20, 2006
Last ActivityWednesday, July 12, 2006
LocationHickory, North Carolina, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hello, I am trying to get off of s.s. diability since i have my two youngest children this is very hard and financially crippling to do, but I say where there is a will there IS a WAY. I just started a web business but it has not made a dime as of yet. Adland pro has given me an Idea of how hard it truly is to get Web cash but as I said there is a Way.
My Interests
My Interests (1)
Interests: Investing
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Joel Lent - (2/28/2006 9:52:36 AM) : Hi,

I received you email from adland pro. I was wonderimg if you ever met a customer who is interested in Toners and Ink. We manufacture this product in Schaumburg Illinois. Please look at my product offering and let me know if you would be interested in being an Dealer / reseller of these products. Benefits include ; 1. Big profits minimum order 3.No inventory, we would blind drop ship for you 4. 100% money back guarantee 5.Complete line of products, both Oem and compatible 6.No start up cost 7. quality products and great pricing. Please let me know.

Thank you,

Joel Lent-Lentkoproducts
Kenneth Townsend - (2/28/2006 9:52:36 AM) : Thanx very much


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