About Me
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About Me
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Hi, My name is Juan Lisandro. I am lilving in Panama. I am an Eglish Techer. I have worked for secondary and university levels. But lately, I made up my mind not to work as a teacher anymore bewcause I dedicate more tiem to internet. I am trying the best I can to become a top marketer on line. I use free advertising and sometimes paid advertising to earn more money from internet. To become an interenet marketer is not an easy task. Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest paycheck. Sometimes, we think it is a magic formula that is readily available for us. Actually, it is more complicated than that. Hard work and dedication have been proven over the years to be just good marketing practices. Therea are millions of people out there doing the same thing, so you have to do the best you can to get excellent results, I mean, it is the outcome of a hard and pins-taking job. I am related with honest and good people around the world and we share our expertise and some marketing tips to help one another. I like listening to modern smooth jazz music, and of course working on the internt as well. So here I am, your friend, to get to know people, good people like you whom I can trust my expereiences to and make friends with. God bless you all. JUAN.
My Interests
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My Interests
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I haven't selected any of my interests yet.