
Who is Dominique Terrien?

Dominique Terrien

Dominique Terrien
BirthdayWednesday, September 16, 1970
Member SinceMonday, November 28, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, February 25, 2007
LocationVictoria, British Columbia, Canada Canada
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About Me
About Me

I'm a Canadian female in my mid-30's, with 2 children - a teenaged daughter, and a 2yr old son - 3 children if you count my spoiled rotten cat!  I work full time in the Automotive Relocation industry, as a Resource Allocation Specialist.

Also, I've recently discovered a WONDERFUL site, SearchBigDaddy, where you earn advertising dollars for YOUR business - by doing what you do on the 'net anyhow. I've been blown away - I use MY search portal to perform searches, I blog about whatever is on my mind, and I earn advertising for my own sites. Truly amazing! Check SearchBigDaddy out via my page link - you won't be sorry.

Also, in my web-searching, I've stumbled across yet ANOTHER very helpful site, where, for a RIDICULOUSLY low price (I paid less than $5.00!!), you get access to $1000's of dollars worth of Internet Marketing tools - and I can't even BEGIN to tell you how worth it I've found these e-books so far! Incredible! If you'd like to check it out, go here ...­4

They've got a GREAT sale running now, but each sale increases the price, so get in NOW, and save EVEN MORE!

Any other questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail me, I'll be happy to help you.

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