
Who is Scott Shepherd?

Scott Shepherd

Scott Shepherd
Member SinceWednesday, July 4, 2012
Last ActivityWednesday, October 31, 2012
LocationBoise, Idaho, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I love the Internet. I am a web technology architect and developer for the past 14 years. I have been working full time with computers for 19 years. I work for Hewlett-Packard Full Time and I love to have many Internet Businesses too. I have sifted through many and have found some really great ones that I expect to continue marketing. This will allow me to provide for my family's needs and allow me to travel and allow me to bless the lives of many of the less fortunate in this world. I believe that the outcome of being blessed financially is to give back with a joyous heart of gratitude to the Good Lord who has blessed us. We are ALL His children and as brothers and sisters, don't we have an obligation to help as many of the rest of us as we can - without being forced to do so by government. I had to add that in for kicks. :)

I hope to get to know a lot of good people on here and learn to call you friend. Have a great day!
My Interests
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Mohamed Gani - (1/22/2022 9:31:54 AM) : Get paid to use web services for free. It’s new, it’s a UK based company and it looks GOOD !! This opportunity video is in pre-launch and completely FREE !! It revolutionizes and monetizes existing web services, that 5 billion people already use. They pay people to use the web. Imagine repeating what you did on the web yesterday and getting paid $400. Now think about all of your friends who are do
Ralph White - (7/26/2012 2:25:59 AM) : Belief in oneself is one of the most important bricks in building any successful venture.
Tatiana Cobilcina - (7/21/2012 7:43:07 AM) : Hello Scott! Pleased to meet you I'm in the company recently and I hope that will be able to cope with their work Sorry for bad English
Michael... Clayton - (7/18/2012 4:44:32 AM) : Hi Scott nice to have you as a friend. I have managed to earn over $10,000 a year online last 10 years. Meeting nice people online helps me survive and prosper. You are welcome to join my Adlandpro Forums and Community Regards Michael
R F - (7/14/2012 6:34:00 PM) : Hi Scott,welcome,Its nice to know that you are bless financially and have the joyous heart to help,God will Bless you. Have a great day From Rashbell
Cheryl Maples - (7/8/2012 5:12:48 AM) : Hello Scott, It's a pleasure to welcome you to our friendly community. Thanks for being friends. Much success to you here, Cheryl
