
Who is June Shaw?

June Shaw

June Shaw
Member SinceSaturday, June 3, 2006
Last ActivityThursday, July 26, 2007
LocationWiscasset, Maine, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I was born in Northern Maine. I lived there until I graduated then I went into the Navy, I got an early release for a medical problem. I trained in Orlando so after being home in Maine again for about three weeks I moved to Clearwater, Fla and lived there for a year.

I moved back to Northern Maine and had my first child at age 20. I obtained a certificate as a CNA and did that for about 12 years but I am a very emotional person and I got burned out taking care of old people. They are so interesting and loving but the jobs are short because of their age. Its hard not to get attached.

I have been trying for about as long as I was a CNA to find something to work at home so I can stay with my kids. I now have 5- 2 step, 13y.o. son and 2 y.o. twins-- boy and girl.

I have fallen victim to many MLM businesses. I either fell into position too late, couldn't sell their product(s), or my sponsor would quit--which is never a good sign.

I happen to meet up with a million dollar member of one of the businesses I was involved with. He and his son have started a Business and Social network group. Their objective is to provide entrepreneurs with business tools for free. The same tools that an estimated 40 million pay for every month. The network also has a pay plan attached to it for those who want to join as a paying member. This opportunity is great in that there is no selling. The company has a system that does the selling for you! With this community I am involved,  I am finally on my way to my dream of being a work at home mom with money in the bank!!

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