
Who is Jim Lykins?

Jim Lykins

Jim Lykins
BirthdayMonday, February 8, 1954
Member SinceMonday, April 3, 2006
Last ActivityMonday, July 18, 2011
LocationLas Vegas, Nevada, United States United States
About Me
About Me
I haven't written anything about myself yet.
My Interests
My Interests (1)
Interests: Politics
Comments (5)
Friends (56)
Photos (0)
Groups (0)
Events (2)
Forums (15)
Ads (0)


Adnan Mobin - (4/6/2010 7:05:37 AM) : are u?hope u doing fine.i am a student a i am promoting my blog 4 income.i am adding you n will b waiting 4 a positive reply. i know you will love to get cricket realted information and news. chahye.what u say?feel free to contact me and have a luk at my blog as well lets exchange our thoughts with each other and help each other thnx
Andy Toelke - (3/31/2010 7:08:10 PM) : Jim, Thanks for the friendship here at AdLand... Looking foreward to getting you know you better.. I am familar with the DNA.. I am building a pretty good sized team there in NV with GBG.. let me know if you would like to see what the big stir is all about.... Have a blessed day !
Linda Harvey - (3/15/2010 6:15:08 PM) : Warm wishes for an awesome Spring ! Enjoy networking and making friends on Adlandpro !
Jim Lykins - (2/25/2010 7:55:36 PM) : Flash, Thanks for stopping by! I believe this is going to take off fast! As of this date there are over 50,000 affliates and we haven't officially began yet! On top of this, there is NO selling involved! You don,t even get paid by the sign-ups! Truly remarkable! This is somethingthat is used by the law enforcement community. Free to sign-up and website too! View each tab on my site. This is fun!


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