
Who is Jeannie Cotham?

Jeannie Cotham

Jeannie Cotham
Member SinceWednesday, May 17, 2006
Last ActivityFriday, April 19, 2013
LocationSandy Springs, Georgia, United States United States
About Me
About Me

Every thought you think...sends waves into motion

Every word you speak.....reaches millions of ears

Every act you perform......literally rearranges the stars


Thoughts become things....choose wisely!


I am very gratefully for finding Adland Pro. It gives me a voice to like minded people.

For over twenty years I have been in the travel business, working for some very large corporations and some small. The large corporations have better benefits, but at a price.

I have been very fortunate to travel all over the world, Asia, Africa, Europe, and the US.

It is always wonderful to come back home,  the USA. I am very fortunate in deed!!!!.


I have also had the pleasure and heartache of  network marketing. I have been involved in that industry for many years as well. I have discovered the art of network marketing is the art of self discovery and learning business skills. I have found out that is not at all about selling, it is about developing people skills and self esteem. Its is also about learning priorities, what is important and what is not.


Life is your results of prior decisions, prior focus, and understanding.

I am living my dream, but I am not done yet. I have miles to go and many more people to meet, and places to go, before I sleep.


Life is a gift and life is a game. Half the fun is discovering the "rules" , the other half is playing the game and enjoying the ride.


I have just learned about a new company, its name is THE TRUMP NETWORK 

Yes it is owned by Donald J Trump. The company is in soft pre-launch.

Trump Network will be announced Nov 13, 2009 in Miami, Florida.

I invite you to join me in this discovery.  

 Knowledge is power, however applied knowledge is even greater power.

Please email me, or go to my website if you want more information. I love sharing information. This journey will be fun!


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