I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and to introduce myself. My name is Elisha Slaton, your HomeIncomeDiva on the Internet. I'm married with two children and I have two grandsons'.
With the sluggish economy and a rising cost of living, every person or family needs some type of extra income to live comfortable rather than just trying to survive. As you know, it's quite hard to make any real funds working for someone else. Plus, today you can't even count on job security or a good pension.
I have been a factory worker for (14) years for a major Automotive Manufacturing company but it has always been my desire and goal to break free from the "old grind" of working for somebody else.
Whether it is a paid program or a free program....many people simply will NOT do what it takes to get out of their hard lifestyle. It is easier for them to say 'I have to go to bed because I have to go to work early in the morning', 'I don't feel like sitting at the computer', 'I am going to lay down on the couch and watch television until bed time', ... whatever the reason, there is ALWAYS an EXCUSE for these types of people that SAY they want to change their life-style......But, they NEVER put forth the effort to do it.
A true Gemini by nature, I love life and the thrill of learning new things .I've been working online part-time since 2001, and I truly enjoy it! I also sell as an affiliate for some companies which are listed at http://divaleilei.webs.com I enjoy helping others and sharing my experience with Network Marketing. My goal is to help as many people as possible in a POSITIVE way. I want to share what has worked for me, and what I know about, that can work for you, too!
Our goal as Home Business owners is to establish a monthly residual income that will continue to pay you even while you are on VACATION or RETIRED! It continues to work even when you don't.
There's no better time than Today! Being your own boss and having your own business is one of the smartest things you can do--for yourself, your family, your comfort and your security, Today & Tomorrow!
I'm looking forward to networking with others and making new online friends and associates.
To our success and prosperity,
Elisha Slaton 
Dynamite Income Directory