
Who is Harvey Melton?

Harvey Melton

Harvey Melton
BirthdayFriday, May 11, 1956
Member SinceFriday, April 6, 2012
Last ActivityThursday, May 10, 2012
LocationLittle Rock, Arkansas, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Married for 30 yrs. {my wife made me put that in lol} 5 children 4 grandchildren i love the outdoors, camping, fishing,picnics etc.just a hard working guy, classic cars,horses,boating, skeet shooting etc.
My Interests
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Alain Deguire - (5/10/2012 3:57:44 PM) : Hello Harvey! Tomorrow is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Cheryl Maples - (4/15/2012 4:22:22 AM) : Hello Harvey, I wish you a warm welcome to our friendly community. Thanks for being friends. I like your picture! Much success to you, Cheryl
Alain Deguire - (4/14/2012 12:30:33 PM) : Thank You Harvey for your friendship! You have been welcomed here...
Ralph White - (4/7/2012 9:07:03 AM) : I hope that you are having a great day. When you get a chance visit this web site and down load a free book by Napoleon Hill titled "Think and Grow Rich". It's really free. No strings attached.


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