
Who is Anthony Ballios?

Anthony Ballios

Anthony Ballios
Member SinceSunday, March 9, 2008
Last ActivitySunday, May 18, 2008
LocationLiviona, Michigan, United States United States
About Me
About Me

We are all special people that are champions in our own right. You are and may not even know it. Do you love what you do? Are you in the pursuit of something big? Have you achieved something big? Do you have a special talent or gift? These items unto themselves make you a champion. For so many people have given up on their goals and dreams. Funny thing is that what we think we want most, and don’t get, will lead us to something bigger and better many times over. If you get knocked down 99 times, get up 100, then VICTORY is yours! So these are the people I would like to meet and surround myself with. CHAMPIONS. That would include each and everyone of you. Come out and be noticed! For I accept each one of you…in this wonderful world of ours…for who you are…and where you are at…and your CHAMPIONSHIP in life is right around the corner… Possibly meet the woman of my dreams that is also my soul-mate. Anything is possible. So let us see what happens.. and get this party started…to help us all get to where we want to go just a little bit faster…….for time is of the essence…and we don’t know when it will run out on live each day to the fullest……and help everyone we come across in life become the success they want to be….to insure our success….for there is a law of indirect effort..what actions..attitudes..and emotions we…and do unto others will be expressed back to unto others as you would have done unto you …..THE GOLDEN RULE……enjoy and want others to succeed and be happy and so will you…..but firstly we are the project….then we can more easily help instill hope and success in others. For I must be a man of character…action…success… and integrity..before I can have the ability to pass on and instill it in others…..
      My interests are in American history, world history, Macedonian history, my Macedonian heritage, self-improvement, working out, reading, skiing, traveling, biking, swimming, modeling, vegetarianism, baseball, hockey, college football. Leadership - Corporate America…forget about it…I refuse to let someone else tell me what I am worth….and look at what many in management and the CEO’s at the top are willing to do to keep their employees in line below…. : ) ….as well as those in our government…congress…the senate…..what many of them are willing to do to just line their pockets and win your vote…no way Jose…not worth it…there are awesome people running companies that give much to their employees and people in our government that genuinely care for us as people…but unfortunately there are too many that do not…no reason to feel like a rat in a cage….or a hamster running around its wheel over and over again day in and day out…we as people are worthy of more respect, success, and money then Corporate America for the most part gives us….instead of those at the top lining their pockets at our expense….and letting Corporate America and our government be responsible for our well being….let us line our pockets in legal, moral, and ethical ways….and take our lives back….put responsibility back in our hands for where we stand in life….financially…spiritually…relationship wise….or whatever it may be… : )
      TV. Don’t really watch much. Look at what is on. Good news is no news is the credo with which the news lives by. Also no matter what status someone has in our society ( Pro athlete, movie star, the President) we are all human beings that fart, burp, and pick our noses every now and again. : ) So no reason to put their heads above our own. Each one of us can better Jack Nicholson or Tiger Woods for that matter at something. Focus on that item or items..excel at it…and even the sky isn’t the limit…. : )


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Joelees Wholesale - (3/10/2008 2:08:27 PM) : Hi Anthony,
Welcome to Adland Family Of Friends,Thank you for accepting my invite :-) I'm honored to be a member of your adland family. Gods speed my new friend :-) Lee


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