
Who is Nicole Derksen?

Nicole Derksen

Nicole Derksen
Member SinceMonday, January 26, 2015
Last ActivityMonday, January 26, 2015
LocationAlbany, Louisiana, United States United States
About Me
About Me
Hi my name is Nicole and I have been working at home for myself since 2012. I have trained thousands of people to work from home and make a living out of it. I enjoy meeting new people and giving a helping hand when needed.

I have experience in creating websites for your business, setting up and linking social media sites, marketing research, html and more.

I enjoy making video tutorials and helping people promote their business.
My Interests
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Ralph White - (1/30/2015 5:01:30 PM) : You become what you believe. The secret of business is to know something that very few people know and never let a good opportunity pass you by because you are to afraid to take a chance.
Mohamed Hassan - (1/27/2015 4:43:24 AM) : Don't be afraid to fail. Don't waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It's OK to fail. If you're not failing, you're not growing.


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