
Who is Lisa F.?

Lisa F.

Lisa F.
BirthdayWednesday, January 8, 1986
Member SinceWednesday, May 24, 2006
Last ActivitySunday, November 23, 2008
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Ray Ramos - (7/11/2008 9:59:14 PM) : Best Wishes and Success for the remainder of 2008.

Anamaria Bustamante - (7/6/2006 6:22:09 AM) : Great idea but I feel that relationship is important to building a business and I am not sure who this is or anything about you. Hard to be friend with someone when you don't even know their name.
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Marty Bromberg - (6/29/2006 9:45:52 AM) : cool
Terri McElwain - (5/26/2006 3:11:37 AM) : Hello.I hope you are having a great weekend.I have alot in common.I need someone to help me with my site.I don't know how to do it and my page editor quit on me.Sounds like you are busy.I need to know where to go to get info on email campaigning.I am also with Grassfire .org
It is to fight against the Amnesty Bill that is on the Senate desk waiting to be signed.It passed but we can still be heard.Please go to this link and sign a petition.Or pass on to someone that will send it on after signing.
Lisa F. - (5/26/2006 3:11:37 AM) : Hi Terri,
Thanks for the highest rating, you may find free web promotion, designing and email campaigning resources at my websites and profile/ community portal. Thanks, have a nice day and wish u success in everything.


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