
Who is Dwayne Cousar?

Dwayne Cousar

Dwayne Cousar
BirthdayWednesday, April 1, 1964
Member SinceTuesday, December 13, 2011
Last ActivityWednesday, February 13, 2013
LocationBaltimore, Maryland, United States United States
About Me
About Me

I've been through some rough times in Life, and I know many people are still struggling. It's a shame I started kind of late in life, because all the fun I thought I was having was'nt really fun at all. I'm lucky to be alive. So I'm doing the work now and making the intelligent decisions meanwhile putting my brain to work being creative with a Christlike mind, which is what God intended for my life. I left High School before my time, so I don't have an extensive vocabulary. It's the willpower, faith and prayer that's along with effort and working smart that's causing my cup to overflow. God is responsible for me because he made me, and I will never turn my back on him again. The skills and crafts, all the knowledge, wisdom and understanding, he is responsible for, because when I ask him, he reveals all that and more. I'm FREE to do whatever I want in life, and that's what I'm gonna do, within the Law.

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Cheryl Maples - (12/16/2011 3:04:57 AM) : Hello Dwayne, I wish you a warm welcome to our friendly community. Thank you for accepting my invitation to be friends. Sounds like you are on the right track. Congratulations! Much success to you, Cheryl


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