
Who is Darryl Cheeves?

Darryl Cheeves

Darryl Cheeves
BirthdayTuesday, January 30, 1951
Member SinceMonday, July 25, 2005
Last ActivityThursday, January 22, 2015
LocationSandersville, Georgia, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

Well. About me. Let me see. Born and raised and educated in Georgia starting 57 years ago.

I like to think with my half century plus of living has come some wisdom. Old plus wise equals sage. I despense lots of information and I'm open to new information. Today. I make my home in Sandersville in Georgia, having spent my public employment of the last 19 years in and around Atlanta,Georgia. This rural area is the best place to spend these silver years. However, I remain open for change. But I do love the peace and quiet. And with the developement of the internet , computers and high speed connections and such. Work can be as close as the foot of your bed, still in your pajamas, with that morning cup of coffee. And that my friends is what I plan to spend a great deal of my time working on and promoting. And with the growth of this magnificent phenominom. I can see a bright FUTURE for me, my friends and my freinds to come and lots of people I'll not have the priveledge of meeting. Join me won't you and let us discuss this.

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Randall Parks - (10/13/2005 1:08:02 PM) : Nice webpage, check the links out. Best of luck,


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